1station.app : The Next Generation Trading Platform is one of the first kind of platform which offers a instant 1station strategy building without any knowledge of coding .
Register Here to Start Trading : http://www.1station.app?id=1defgh76
1station.app is platform where you can build complex strategies based on various Indicators without any prior knowledge of Coding .
This gives an edge to retail traders which has been enjoyed by Institutional Brokers till date and will shorten the learning curve from 5 years to few months.

The Basic Features of 1station.app Platform are :
Back Testing
Live Testing
Virtual Startegies
Algorithmic Execution
Cloud Fee
Types of Trading :
Chart Trading
LIVE Trading
Platform Features :
Remote Access
Historical Data
Tick Data
Email Alerts
SMS Alerts

Brokers Connectivity :
Interactive Brokers
Register to Start Trading : http://www.1station.app?id=1defgh76
Best Algo Trading Books : Best ALGO Trading Books
Algo Trading Strategies : https://financeloaninsurance.com/algo-trading/